My thanks to Max Horn for another thought-provoking piece.
'Bangladesh now: Bullying, brutality and bias
of bullying!
the government in Bangladesh has morphed into a horrendous bully for the people
of that country it has primarily utilized law enforcement (note the irony)
personnel to achieve that sordid objective. (See earlier post Bangladesh now: A
proto-fascist kleptocracy?) Even though the politicization of law enforcement
in Ba'Bangladesh
ngladesh began some years back, the present ruling clique drove in the
final nail by completing the process by infusing the element of
'One of
the well-recorded actions of the police and its more Rambo-like partner, the
Rapid Action Battalion (RAB), has been the deaths of many people in purported
“crossfires”. These have been enumerated regularly by international human
rights organizations (e.g. Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, Asian
Human Rights Commission and the Bangladeshi watchdog with cross-national
affiliations Odhikar, among others) and their protests and objections have been
repeatedly conveyed to the administration.
deaths by the law enforcers persist with clockwork regularity, and to that has
now been added the police firings---along with party cadres doing precisely the
same with their guns in close cooperation with law enforcement officials and
often with media cameras recording the scene---into rallies with the obvious
intent to kill.
kill they have scored in large numbers. Last February, it has been recorded, almost
one hundred people died due to these gunslingers’ bravado. The crime of the
dead: they were opposition political activists demonstrating in support of
political goals.
became conspicuous during my short residence there is that the impunity
provided to the police and RAB initially for the “crossfire” deaths has now
been extended to all deaths in police actions. Consequently, there is no known
instance when any police officer has been tried for what has been called by the
rights watchdogs as extra-judicial killings but which in reality are plain
extra-judicial executions.
they have also been reported (mainly by the families of the victims) to be
involved in the abductions and subsequent disappearances of a number of people,
mostly opposition politicians. Of course, law enforcement officials and
government leaders have continued to deny the reported involvement. On the
other hand, law enforcement has not been able to locate any of the victims so
here is another fact: in opinion surveys the crown for the most corrupt
institution in that country has often been claimed by the police. There have
been numerous reported incidents when law enforcement has picked up innocent
persons only to intimidate them into paying sufficient money to have the arrested
persons released from avaricious hands. When the demands are not fulfilled the seized
people and their families are threatened with gunfire to maim the arrested
facts may be difficult to comprehend---though they indeed have occurred in
other countries as well---but these realities and more are well-documented by
human rights organizations and many have already been reported in the country’s
media. But instead of taking actions against any negligence, to say nothing of
deviant involvement, by law enforcement the ruling clique has actually rewarded
police personnel who have engaged in activities which may be described as being
above and beyond the call of duty.
instance, one police officer was awarded the President’s Medal after he had
assaulted a senior member of parliament of the main opposition party in full
view of media cameras and onlookers. In one other case, another officer was
treated to a sponsored junket to Singapore after he had raided the headquarters
of the largest opposition political party and arrested all those who were at
that time present in the building.
the police force and RAB are thus being utilized recklessly to suppress dissent
they have simultaneously utterly failed to perform with any degree of efficacy
the primary responsibilities and duties they are expected to do according to
the law. They have till today, as a case in point, not succeeded in solving any
of the high-profile murder incidents, like the one in which a husband and wife
journalist couple were horrifically stabbed to death in their apartment in
spite of repeated assurances from the government.
so far, they have displayed an extraordinary ability to fail in all the tasks
the nation expects of them: from being unable to protect the citizens from
criminals (especially those who have connections with ruling party leaders) to
solving murder cases to even being unable to manage vehicular traffic in the
cities and highways where total anarchy rules with policemen on duty blatantly
accepting money from operators of trucks and buses, and even squeezing whatever
they can from the meager earnings of pedicab drivers.
unfortunate nation of Bangladesh, for eons a regular victim of vicious tropical
storms and devastating inundations, is now facing the cavalier brutality of law
enforcement utilized for purely political purposes.
to these misfortunes is the recent development of sections of the media
reporting news as they see it from their political perspectives; i.e. not based
on the facts but on the basis of perceptions colored by the owners’/editors’
opinions. And even the arrest and torture of an editor and closure of his
newspaper; and the suspension of a couple of TV stations brought little or no
protest from certain segments of news outlets.
'It is, of course, a historical fact that
repressive, intolerant regimes have always been scared of the written and
spoken words. But that one part of the media should be intolerant of the news
and views of another part is evidently a fact that does not augur well.
the wholesale and deliberate denudation of the quality of all institutions in
that country continues and the last resort of the citizen, the judiciary, has
also been made subservient to the executive. Almost no attention is given to
the principles of due process and rule of law. Instead lately the ruling clique
has even resorted to changing laws midway through trials to better accommodate
its wishes.
then is Bangladesh now: a nation confronting frightful realities and unable
even to protest due to the real fear that protest may mean death.